Monday, January 12, 2015

Blur glimpses of your face

Haseen you from far away
On my visits to your place
In my mind still they stay
The blur glimpses of your face

The chances were a very few 
To crack a conversation
Reason why I never thought of
Grabbing your attention

But time wanted us to meet
Share good moments and make memories
Give each other a lovely treat 
Of sweet and tangy life stories

You filled my vacant days
With your never ending talks
And how could I forget 
The mesmerizing lakeside walk

What really mesmerized me
I was still contemplating
Was it the beauty of the lake or of you 
That kept my eyes waiting

To find the answer I often went
To the lake beside my house
The lotus flowers seemed inviting
But they failed to arouse

Now I got the answer I guess
You is what I want to embrace
In my eyes they will stay always 
The blur glimpses of your face


  1. Blur glimpses of your face, now that's a beauty... U took me envisioning you with her at lake side.... good one.. :)

  2. thanks Gargi.. that means a lot :)
    hope you liked other work too..
    will keep you posted with new :D
